
Clearing Account Policy & Procedures

Policy Number



The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the accounting and reconciliation of clearing accounts.

Responsible 足彩平台 Office

Division of Finance and Administrative Affairs, Controller


Clearing Account Definition: a temporary place (e.g., fund, department identification (DeptID), account code, etc.) to hold revenues, or expenses until the appropriate place where the revenues or expenses should be distributed is determined, and the clearing account should be reconciled to zero at some point.

Policy & Procedure

Clearing account reconciliations should be prepared or reviewed based on the schedule in Appendix A, or no less than annually. Any balances in clearing accounts must be substantiated with documentation to support the balance.

At least two attempts should be made to determine the correct funding string of any deposit. After two attempts and the item is outstanding greater than 90 days, the unidentified revenue can be transferred to a Financial Administration funding string for use at the discretion of the manager of that funding string.

For expenditures, including interdepartmental, should be processed timely based on the schedule in Appendix A.

Clearing accounts should be periodically reviewed to determine if the account is still needed. If the account is no longer needed, the account should be closed and removed from Appendix A.

The Controller can grant an exception to the above stated procedures on a case-by-case basis.

Related Policies

Wisconsin State Statute Section 20.904(1)

Policy History

First Approved August 1, 2023

Scheduled Review

August 2028

Fund Department ID Department Description Purpose Staff member responsible for reconciliation Financial Services Reviewer Type of Reconciliation Frequency of Reconciliation
102 261009 Procurement Card Clearing This is the deptid that the ITS pcard is paid from and then transactions are distributed out to the correct funding string when the transaction is reconciled in the pcard module. Balance should be zero at the end of the fiscal year. ITS Admin Manager Assistant Controller Review WISER Balance

Annual; if balance is not zero at year end file provided to UWW Assistant Controller for review

Closed 9/1/23
128 261114 Telecom Clearing This is the deptid that AT&T phone charges are paid from. Monthly reallocation of charges is received from ITS to distribute charges. ITS Admin Manager Financial Specialist II Review WISER balance As allocations are distributed process includes review of this account to ensure amount distributed matches amount paid.
102/ 104/ 123/ 128/ 131/ 132/ 136/ 150/ 184/ 189/ 233/ 402 304004 System Chrgs-clrg Account used for UW System chargebacks; interest; budget transfers; sales tax holding account; p-card holding account; other misc revenue/expenses during the year Controller AVC – Financial Services Review of WISER activity by fund/ balances documented in spreadsheet Minimum of quarterly review; once fully staff should be back to monthly review.
133/ 144 304023 Budget and Fringe Clearing Account Clearing account that is used to run the fringe benefit cost allocations for grants through. Actual fringes post to this account and then a monthly allocation is run to recoup the funds from each respective grant. Any over/short in this fund is factored into the next year's fringe rate that is established annually. Grant Accountant Controller Review/ calculation of rates Annual process to reestablish rates and review balances; initiated by UW System. Reviewed by both the grant accountant and Controller
133/ 150 304037 Indirect Clearing Holding account for accumulated indirect revenues for both federal and non-federal funds Grant Accountant Controller Spreadsheet Annual reconciliation
990 304012 Dummy Holding Account This is where the DDD entries are posted and then distributed from. Balance should be zero at the end of each month. Controller AVC – Financial Services WISER Review Monthly reconciliation done with 304085 to ensure 990 fund balance is zero on a monthly basis.
133/ 144/ 233 304038 Gifts & Grants Holding Account Deposit gift/contract/federal grant revenue when funding is unknown or not yet established. Also used for grant revenues from UW System schools Grant Accountant Assistant Controller WISER Review Ensure balance is $0 by close of Fiscal Year.
990 304085 Seg Fee Clearing Account Account used to hold seg fees collected and then distributed through SIS GL process. Controller AVC – Financial Services WISER Review Monthly reconciliation done with 304012 to ensure 990 fund balance is zero on a monthly basis.
136 304088 Terminal Leave Terminal leave assessment is posted here and then terminal leave payouts are made from this deptid instead of the employee’s departmental funding. Balance will carryover from year to year. Controller AVC – Financial Services WISER Review/ Journal entry Semi-annual review to ensure only FICA fringes applied to account. Entry processed in Jan/period 13.
128 306006 Maintenance Purchasing Clearing Account   FP&M Financial Specialist III / Inventory Mgt Controller Spreadsheet

Annual central review by controller to validate year end balances.

Closed 9/28/23
128 PRDFLT Payroll Default Salary expenses are posted to this department if there is an issue with an employee's funding in HRS (inactive, combination edit, etc.). Direct retros need to be processed to clear this department. Assistant Controller Controller WISER review Ensure balance is $0 by close of Fiscal Year.
128 PRSUSP HRS Default Funding Salary expenses are posted to this department when there is a problem in HRS. Direct retros are needed to clear department. Assistant Controller Controller WISER review Ensure balance is $0 by close of Fiscal Year.
980 980980 Fringe Clearing Payroll clearing items Service Center      
102/ 103/ 128/ 131/ 189/ 231/ 402 981600 Budget Clearing Budget Clearing - no actuals transactions Assistant Controller Controller WISER review Verify no actual transactions processed for year.