
Acquisition Procedures of Materials & Services

Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administrative Affairs

In accepting the purchasing delegation from the Department of Administration and the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater agrees to the following:

1.     all purchases must be processed in accordance with the procedures and policies of the Delegation Agreement between the Department of Administration and the University of Wisconsin System, and;

2.     the State Procurement Manual; State Statutes Chapter 16, Subchapter IV; Administrative Code Chapter 10; Financial and Administrative Policy; and all other applicable policies governing sound purchasing practices.

The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater has established a policy that requires the identification of a fund, program, and organization code for charging any item or service to a particular department or area. Each organization code includes an authorized signature and/or signatures which are assigned when an organization code is issued. All purchase activity requires this authorized signature(s). It should be noted that initialized signatures do not comply with this requirement. Refer to SECTION II-Q "Authorized Signatures" for further details concerning this area.

Provided below is a basic guide outlining established procurement guidelines. Department personnel should consult the Facilities Planning & Management Web Site or contact Procurement Services for more in depth information or clarification.


Procurement Card

Campus department/units will have the delegated authority to purchase certain items up to $5,000 per transaction by using the procurement card system. The procurement card is the required method to purchase tangible items when allowed. Cardholders should use vendors who accept the procurement card prior to using other orders. Each cardholder receives training on the use of the card. If the cardholder fails to comply with the policy and procedures the delegated authority for the procurement card will be revoked, and the holder will have to purchase items by using the requisition (see Requisition).

Quick Orders

Campus department/units have been delegated authority to issue Quick Orders directly to the vendor(s) for materials and services less than $5,000.00 including shipping (except Printing). Prior approval from Procurement Services is not required. The Quick Order can be used when a vendor(s) does not accept the Procurement Card. In addition, the quick order can be used for: 1) Renewal of membership or subscription (less than $5,000) if Procurement Card cannot be used, 2) Payment of campus contractor for food charges, 3) Payment on 'Academic Support Services Agreements', 4) Allowable telephone charges, 5) Payment on Entertainment contracts (under $25,000), 6) Freight, and 7) Conference or Workshop/Registrations if Procurement Card cannot be used.


The official purchase requisition must be used for all other acquisition activity for which a Quick Order & Procurement Card cannot be used. Requesters are to submit a properly prepared and signed Requisition with all supporting documentation to Financial Services. The requisition will be routed to the Procurement Services who in turn will issue an official STATE OF WISCONSIN PURCHASE ORDER. Departments are not to place Regular Orders directly with vendors without the review and approval of Procurement Services. 

Additional Guidelines

1.     Emergency Orders, Blankets Orders, Repairs, etc. All requests are processed through Procurement Services except those covered under warranty or an extended service agreement. Contact Procurement Services for specific instructions on how to proceed. (Blankets will be replaced by the Procurement Card whenever possible.)

2.     Orders Based on the Acquisition of Demos, Loaners, & Samples. All orders regardless of prior arrangements with suppliers must be secured under proper purchasing procedures. Therefore, any intent to purchase which may be based on a sample, etc. must be coordinated through Procurement Services prior to receiving the demo, loaner, sample, etc. Departments obtaining the use of equipment/ materials under a loaner, demo, borrowed, etc. arrangement with no intention to purchase need to contact Risk Management and Safety regarding adequate liability coverage.

3.     Lease/Rental of Material and/or Equipment. All requests for lease or rental of materials and equipment must be requisitioned through Procurement Services in the same manner as a requisition for purchase of materials or equipment. Departments are to submit a properly prepared Purchase Requisition, and copies of any proposed lease, license, agreement, etc. to Procurement Services for signing and issuance of a Purchase Order.

4.     Monitored Purchases. Because of potential long-range ramifications, certain commodities have been designated to be monitored. It is the responsibility of the department/unit (end user) to obtain the advice/review of anticipated materials/services from these Service Unit(s) monitoring the commodity prior to submitting the purchase requisition. The commodities and monitoring units are:

o    Audio/Visual--ITS

o    Construction/Remodeling--Facilities Planning & Management

o    Air Conditioners/Heaters--Facilities Planning & Management

o   Computer Hardware/Software used to store, process and/or transmit data--ITS Evidence of review must be indicated on the purchase requisition before it will be processed.

5.     Used Item Purchase. Purchase of used equipment for less than $5000 is allowed when approved by the supervisor of the authorized signature. All others require the approval of the Dean or Assistant Chancellor's office under whom the requesting department is assigned. A properly prepared requisition with such approval is submitted to Procurement Services. A statement of justification, including price comparisons, maintenance concerns, etc. for purchasing USED versus new materials/equipment needs to be included. Requests for such orders are subject to compliance of all procurement and accounting policies.

6.     Personal Property Purchase from Faculty & Staff. All parties representing the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater are prohibited from purchasing personal property from members of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater faculty and staff.

7.     Background Checks of Contractors and Contracted Individuals.  This policy is established to enact the University's policy that requires compliance with Executive Order 54. Executive Order 54 and University policy.

This policy applies to any unit of the University that is contracting with an individual, or, a contractor who employs individuals who are expected to have regular contact with minor children as a result of the contracted activities or services. In such circumstances, appropriate background checks must be conducted of the individual employees and requires reporting of any child abuse or neglect.

Independent Contractors

1. When the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater contracts with a specific individual who is expected to have regular contact with children as a result of the contracted-for activities or services, the contract shall include the following:

a. A requirement that the individual pass a criminal background check performed by the Criminal Background Check Coordinator of the unit for which the individual will be engaging in activities or rendering services.  This background check will evaluate whether the individual has any pending charges or convictions that are substantially related to the contracted-for activities or services, including but not limited to those that would render the worker unsuitable for regular contact with children.  Disqualifying convictions or charges include but are not limited to sexual offenses, violent offenses, and drug offenses.

b. A requirement that the individual follow the "Reporting Requirements" in Section III of this policy to the same extent as University of Wisconsin - Whitewater employees.

2. When the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater contracts with a business (or other entity) and workers from that business are expected to have regular contact with children as a result of the contracted-for activities or services, the contract shall include the following:

a. A requirement that the business supply workers who have passed a criminal background check demonstrating the worker has no convictions or pending criminal charges that are substantially related to the contracted-for activities or services, including but not limited to those that would render the worker unsuitable for regular contact with children.  Disqualifying convictions or charges include but are not limited to sexual offenses, violent offenses, and drug offenses.

b. A requirement that the workers follow the "Reporting Requirements" in Section III of this policy to the same extent as University of Wisconsin - Whitewater employees.


3.1       For units acting within the scope of their delegated procurement (i.e. under $5,000 or a specific delegation agreement), those units are responsible for compliance with this policy.

3.2       For Contracts not otherwise delegated, The Purchasing Office shall be responsible for compliance with this policy.

3.3       When it is made known to a Purchasing Agent that an individual is being contracted to perform work where they are expected to have regular contact with children, the following clause will be added:

This contract is contingent upon, prior to the commencement of services, the independent contractor passing a criminal background check performed by the Criminal Background Check Coordinator of the unit for which the individual will be engaging in activities or rendering services.  This background check will evaluate whether the individual has any pending charges or convictions that are substantially related to the contracted-for activities or services, including but not limited to, those that would render the worker unsuitable for regular contact with children.  Disqualifying convictions or charges include, but are not limited to, sexual offenses, violent offenses, and drug offenses.

If, in the course of providing services to the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, contractor (or its employee) observes an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, or learns of an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, and the contractor (or its employee) has reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur, contractor must make a report of that abuse or neglect to law enforcement or to a county social service agency as provided in University of Wisconsin - Whitewater's Policy on Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect ("the Policy").  If the suspected child abuse or neglect involves an allegation against a University of Wisconsin - Whitewater employee or agent (e.g. student, volunteer, contractor, etc.), or the incident or threat of child abuse or neglect occurred on the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater campus or during a University of Wisconsin - Whitewater-sponsored activity, the contractor shall also report to the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Police Department or University of Wisconsin - Whitewater's Office for Equity and Diversity.

3.4       When it is made known to a Purchasing Agent that a contractor will be expected to have regular contact with children in the performance of a contract, the following clause will be added:

This contract is contingent upon, (insert entity providing services) supplying workers who have passed a criminal background check that includes a national criminal background check database demonstrating the worker has no convictions or pending criminal charges that are substantially related to the contracted-for activities or services, including but not limited to, those that would render the worker unsuitable for regular contact with children.  Disqualifying convictions or charges include, but are not limited to, sexual offenses, violent offenses, and drug offenses.

If, in the course of providing services to the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, contractor (or its employee) observes an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, or learns of an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, and the contractor (or its employee) has reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur, contractor must make a report of that abuse or neglect to law enforcement or to a county social service agency as provided in University of Wisconsin - Whitewater's Policy on Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect ("the Policy").  If the suspected child abuse or neglect involves an allegation against a University of Wisconsin - Whitewater's employee or agent (e.g. student, volunteer, contractor, etc.), or the incident or threat of child abuse or neglect occurred on the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater campus or during a University of Wisconsin - Whitewater-sponsored activity, the contractor shall also report to the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Police Department or University of Wisconsin - Whitewater's Office for Equity and Diversity.


All Printing

The purchase of printed materials from any vendor must be requested on a Requisition, regardless of dollar amount. Note printing cannot be ordered on a Quick Order or by Procurement Card.

Irregular Procurement

Any state employee who contracts for the purchase of materials or services contrary to a statute, State Bureau of Procurement or 足彩平台 policy and procedures constitutes an "IRREGULAR PROCUREMENT" and may be held liable for the cost. Requests for after-the-fact approvals will require the requestor to supply:

  • Written justification of the procurement itself.
  • Written justification of the lack of prior approval.
  • A statement of management actions being taken to prevent repetition of the situation.
  • The Division Administrator indication of review and approval.
  • A completed requisition.

Serial Purchasing The practice of issuing a series of purchase orders in any 90-day period, to the same vendor for the same commodity or service in order to avoid the appropriate competitive solITSation is PROHIBITED.

As amended 1 July 2014; revised November 30, 2022