College of Arts and Communication


Dyamond Jackson

Dyamond is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree with a major in Theatre Education and a minor in English Education.


Why did you choose to pursue your field of study?
“I chose Theatre Education because I finally found and understand my assignment in life of helping others with something that I am passionate about. My freshman year I focused on specifically Theatre but my professor influenced me to be a great teacher like her.”


Why did you come to 足彩平台?
“I came to Whitewater because it fit my expectations of a successful theater program. Coming back from Huntsville, Alabama, I wanted a fresh start and began to take my passion of theatre seriously.”


What is your proudest accomplishment to date?
“I actually created my own organization under sports, a majorette hip hop dance, the Warlettes. UW Whitewater’s Warlettes majorette Dance Team is the first to form a majorette dance team in the UW System. Our goal here is to promote and perform African American cultural dances in a hip-hop genre under sports and band. We perform at football games, basketball games, and other events! So come out and support as we make history and become even more legendary. Go Warhawks!”


What is your favorite part about being in the Department of Theatre/Dance?
“My favorite thing about being a theatre major is the courses and assignments. For instance, most of the assignments are performing projects and presentations. They are so fun!”


What is your favorite part about being a Warhawk?
“A few of my favorite parts of being a Warhawk is the fact I can be myself and also be a part of the most inspiring organization, the Black Student Union. It allowed me to meet so many people with different career interests. The theatre program also taught me that it’s more than what you do but it’s who you know.”


What do you hope to do after graduation?
“I hope to teach theatre and inspire the next generation. My plan is to provide better opportunities for high school students that I was not able to receive. I want to be that ‘favorite’ teacher that everyone will never forget because of my genuineness in helping someone grow into the best version of themselves.”


What has been your favorite class to date?
“My favorite course I have taken so far would be Introduction to Acting with Sara J. Griffin. This class is based on centers in body story-telling, and getting in depth with monologues and characters. Sara taught me so much of myself as an actress and pulled me out of my comfort zone. I love the technique of using your body to tell the story of the character’s monologue.”

Learn more about the Theatre and Dance programs